Cytaty - Audio - The Clone Wars (BF Trilogy)

Wybierz interesujące cię źródło:
Attack of the Clones The Empire Strikes Back The Clone Wars
(Straż Śmierci)
The Clone Wars
(Boba Fett)
Bloodlines Sacrifice Revelation Invincible
Holiday Special Bounty Hunter Kotor Kotor 2

Odcinek 20 - Death Trap
*** Boba rozmawiający z Aurrą

This is boba.
It's a miss.
Repeat: Miss.
What should I do?
Head to the reactor.
Blow the core.
But the crew, it isn't about them, just Mace.

*** Boba i klon.

What are you doing?
We're brothers.
Don't shoot!
You're not my brother.
Don't shoot!

*** Boba o swojej "misji".

That was never part of the plan!
I just wanted to kill the Jedi that murdered my father.
Well, that will have to wait.
Grow up.
You'll get your revenge in time.

Odcinek 21 - R2 Come Home
*** Narrator o Bobie

Boba Fett, son of the notorious bounty hunter Jango Fett, infiltrated a Jedi cruiser in an attempt to assassinate general Mace Windu, the man who killed his father.

*** Mace Windu wyjaśniający Anakinowi przyczyny zamachów na swoje życie.

Whose helmet is that, anyway?
It belongs to a bounty hunter I killed on geonosis by the name of Jango Fett.
You mean the clone template?
Strangely enough, he had a son-- or at least a clone he regarded as a son.
His name is Boba Fett.
I remember now.
Obi-Wan listed him in his report on kamino.
Boba was on geonosis when his father died.
He watched as I killed him.
That would complicate things.

Odcinek 22 - Lethal Trackdown
*** Hondo Ohnaka o Jango.

Part of my crew.
He's Jango's son.
Oh. Yes, yes.
Sorry about your father.
He was a friend and an honorable man.

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