Inktober 2019

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Inktober 2019

Postprzez Ratbor Vit » 07 Paź 2019, 01:42

Niby jest to już sześć, siedem nawet dni w plecy, jednak lepiej późno niż wcale - INKTOBER 2019 czas powitać na naszym forum!

Ja już teoretycznie swoje prace wysyłałem na wire, jednak jestem przekonany, że znajdzie się tutaj jeszcze ktoś, kto ma się czym podzielić - a o to właśnie chodzi w tej akcji, o dzielenie się swoimi pracami! Dlatego łapcie tematy i wstawiajcie swoje prace!

Od razu też sam pokażę swoje prace, żeby zachęcić was do robienia (i tak, mam lekkie opóźnienie):

Dzień pierwszy (redraw) - "Ring"

Dzień drugi - "Mindless"

Dzień trzeci - "Bait"

Dzień czwarty - "Freeze"

Dzień piąty - "Build"

Dni trzeci, czwarty i piąty

Będę bardzo wdzięczny za różne uwagi (oraz za pochwały, lubię otrzymywać pozytywną atencję :3 ) oraz przede wszystkim za wstawianie swoich dzieł i rozmowę o nich!
"Who decides what's impossible?"
Apparently, the voice of people - the picture can be found in the link below ... nknown.png
Ratbor Vit
a.k.a. Ratbor Vit
Były Członek
Awatar użytkownika
Twierdza: Keld'kebmeshgidal (Twierdza Syrenki)
Miejscowość: Warszawa
Posty: 69

Re: Inktober 2019

Postprzez Arneun » 13 Paź 2019, 13:40

Wydaje mi się, że całkiem sporo osób Ci to mówiło już, ale porzuć kratki.
Ja kiedyś (jak miałem pomysł, że będę rysował, nie żeby mi coś sensownego wychodziło) po prostu wyciągnąłem kartki z ryzy papieru do drukarki (jeśli nie chcesz kupować dużo czystych zeszytów).
"Come winter, come slaughter
The right to existence has been won
Come falling star or scorching flame
Worlds will survive, life finds a way "
Były Członek
Miejscowość: Wrocław
Posty: 271

Re: Inktober 2019

Postprzez Ratbor Vit » 13 Paź 2019, 14:23

Prawda, już mi to "kilka" osób wspominało, ale póki co lepiej czuję się w kratkach i łatwiej mi rysować. No i mam to wszystko w jednym zeszycie, co też jest plusem do mobilności. Na kartkach pewnie zacznę rysować niedługo, ale póki co jestem coraz bardziej w dupie z Inktoberem i... cóż, gdzieś posiałem blok, a jestem za leniwy, żeby kupić nowy bo wiem, że stary jest gdzieś w domu
"Who decides what's impossible?"
Apparently, the voice of people - the picture can be found in the link below ... nknown.png
Ratbor Vit
a.k.a. Ratbor Vit
Były Członek
Awatar użytkownika
Twierdza: Keld'kebmeshgidal (Twierdza Syrenki)
Miejscowość: Warszawa
Posty: 69

Re: Inktober 2019

Postprzez Arneun » 13 Paź 2019, 15:39

Ogólnie jeśli masz coś nie rysować, albo rysować w kratkach — to rysowanie jest znacznie lepszym wyborem.
Po prostu z tego co wiem znacznie większe postępy będziesz robił na czystym (głównie dlatego, że musisz myśleć dodatkowo o paru rzeczach).

Ale rysunki są super. Oby tak dalej (i pamiętaj, że zawsze możesz dogonić <trzyma kciuki>).
"Come winter, come slaughter
The right to existence has been won
Come falling star or scorching flame
Worlds will survive, life finds a way "
Były Członek
Miejscowość: Wrocław
Posty: 271

Re: Inktober 2019

Postprzez Lirway » 13 Paź 2019, 18:02

Wow prace są mega. Osobiście też bawię się w Inktober i dodałbym jakieś swoje prace, ale przyznam się bez bicia, że nie umiem hah.
a.k.a. Lirway
Były Członek
Miejscowość: Bydgoszcz
Posty: 18

Re: Inktober 2019

Postprzez Arneun » 14 Paź 2019, 08:53

Całość jest całkiem prosta. Najpierw wrzucasz obrazek na hosting typu imgur.
Potem korzystasz z tagu "[hsimg][hsimg]" (dodaje Ci się automatycznie jak klikniesz ikonkę nad polem tekstowym). Pomiędzy "]" a "[" wklejasz link do obrazka z imgura/hostingu (zwykle pod prawym przyciskiem "link do obrazka"). Będzie działać jeżeli treść linku będzie kończyć się na ".jpg"/".jpeg"/".bmp" (albo któryś inny z obrazkowych formatów plików).
"Come winter, come slaughter
The right to existence has been won
Come falling star or scorching flame
Worlds will survive, life finds a way "
Były Członek
Miejscowość: Wrocław
Posty: 271

Re: Inktober 2019

Postprzez Sh'ehn » 14 Paź 2019, 13:45

Jeśli chcesz, napisz do mnie. Wyślę Ci screeny jak wygląda dodawanie pac rok po kroku. Pomogę wrzucić prace/naprawię źle wrzucone linki. (Możesz też po prostu wrzucić link do prac na jakimś hostingu, bez bawienia się w podglądy obrazków : )
"We`re perfectly harmless, unfortunately." - Doctor Who
Były Członek
Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 904

Re: Inktober 2019

Postprzez Ratbor Vit » 01 Lis 2019, 21:40

Moi drodzy, nadszedł ten moment

Dzisiaj 1 listopada, Inktober zakończył się wczoraj a ja do rana rysowałem. I nie, to nie tak, że po prostu wstałem rano i dokończyłem ostatnią pracę. Ja nie spałem całą noc, by podczas imprezy i po niej narysować sześć prac. I narysowałem. Narysowałem wszystkie. Skończyłem o 5, ale było warto. Jestem dumny z siebie i swoich umiejętności zaginania czasoprzestrzeni tak, by pierwszy poranek listopada zaliczał się jeszcze do października (dzień się kończy, gdy idziesz spać, więc mój się skończył chwilę przed południem). Nie przedłużając więc, przejdźmy do pełnej listy od dnia pierwszego do trzydziestego pierwszego


Day first - „Ring”

Ring (LotR) and Ring (Bell) fighting on boxing Ring with big Ring written over it. Easily understandable in my opinion
Title is written above boxing ring as part of drawing, while series and day are in „R” and autograph is in „N” of title
It's kind of redraw, because at first I used a blue pen, and just after finishing I found good ink markers

Day second - „Mindless”

Proepidemic (anti-vaxx) flat-earth-believing PETA loving pastafarian person is sitting on „Achtung mines” box, but instead of „mines” it's „mindless”, this all in the center of „Mind-free zone” bubble, where exist nothing with sense or logic. Outside of bubble there are many terms in different languages (for example biology in english or imagination in russian) and symbols (eye and sword as symbols of art, atom model as science and so on). There are also many patterns all around the bubble to show, that mind is never empty, even outside schemes
Title is written in „achtung mines” box as part of drawing, while series is under japanese and greek words and day is on the right side next to series, drawn as part of pattern. Autograph is on the upper right side over bubble

Day third - „Bait” (1/3)

Bait as halt during travel, we see person and horse taking a break from riding in a horrible weather. They sit in a cave around the campfire, but… something is not right
Title is located in the fire as semi-part of picture

Day fourth - „Freeze” (2/3)

We got to see wider scene – raging blizzard, white flakes in black night and, in the center, big iceberg covered in snow. On the ground lays thick layer of white powder and above storm sky is covered with grey clouds. There's just one thing weird… why this smoke raises in the straight line in this extreme hail?
Title is written on the right side of drawing, as part of it

Day fifth - „Build” (3/3)

Giant stands above clouds, his mighty-build body flexes hard on normal people down there. His sharp teeth are bared, shining in black mouth. Long beard goes from face to clouds and even further down. It resembles something, but what could it be…
Title is composed into beard

Days third, fourth and fifth – „Bodybuilding Giant's Freezing Baitfire” (whole)

At last we get to see it whole – Giant laid interesting trap using his magic. He started hellish blizzard that could kill nearly any man, that would be stupid enough to go out in this kind of weather. Giant however knew, that there are people, who must be out no matter the weather, just like poor postmans working for this country's king. Giant, after making weather as bad as possible, extended his beard and mimiced with it fire and smoke. Around ending of beard he froze air itself to resemble crystal cave, which was too much for human riding nearby to not stop inside to eat. Both person and horse were so happy because of fire and shelter, that they didn't even notice when not only entrance and space, but even their bodies and souls froze completely.
Series name is under right arm, days numbers are under left one. Autograph is above both. Free space was covered with random patterns

Day sixth - „Husky” (1/3)

Happy and lovely little Husky inside husky fish, which is being held by powerful and husky Eskimo in winter husky clothes. You follow?
Title, series and autograph are on fish, day's number is not included

Day seventh - „Enchanted” (2/3)

This art is connected to the one before in weird way… Husky is on one page, while kid looking through magic portal was on the other. I wanted to make kid look happily at this husky, but I couldn't make good photo while folding pages in a good way, so I used my gEnIuS PaiNt SkIlLs to show, how it should be
There's this one kiddo, who like dogs. Not power, not funny situations, but dogs. What is the best way to look up cute and lovely dogs? Apparently, not internet, but special magic, Magical Transmission „View”, Portal 3.0. It sound cool and futuristic, but it's an old spell, passed down for centuries in both Armstrong family and magic school. But only the best of the best can perform it good enought to do it in public. And the best are mostly special in some ways…
Title is on the left side of work, series and autograph are on both sides

Day eighth - „Frail” (3/3 – end)

Sometimes life is not fair, easy or even good, and sometimes it has to end earlier then it should. The ones that know that the best are probably kids with incurable diseases, like this one kid here. Fortunately, kids can find joy even amidst the worst times, so Make a Wish foundation together with Magical Society are the best option to call, when happiness is needed in probably last day's of child. Here we have Elder Emissary of Magic Academy, who seems very respectable. He came to show this kid dying of cancer anything in this world that it would like to see. Kid wanted to see dogs, so he showed him as many adorable dogs as he could find on earth. After one hour of magic show he proceeded to bid farewell to kid, but… He was the only one to know, that not only he will be going soon
Title, series and day are on the bed as part of drawing, autographs are on the quilt and the hood. This kid is drawn with thin marker to look more frail, like on the verge of disappearing

Day ninth - „Swing”

Swing in golf, swing of clock, swing on swing – these three swings one would see, depending on what he would be reading, from which side
On the „golf” side, there is series written. Day is written on „swing” side, autographs are on „clock” side. On the clock face there is written title, appointed by hands of the clock

Day tenth - „Pattern”

In the center we see Auguste Rodin's „Thinker” with many different headwears. From bottom we have sumerian jewelry, egyptian crown, greek/roman wreath, medieval helmet, episcopal tiara, top-hat and construction helmet. Around statue there are buildings – sumerian temple, egyptian pyramid, greek/roman temple, medieval stronghold, gothic cathedral, XIXth century house and skyscraper in building. Next to them are different light sources – they refer to „I have an idea!” light bulb. Everything follow pattern „headwear+light+building” from subsequent (?) eras. Ah, and also – every building has got something to do with triangle, so there is another pattern
Title, day and series are written on the stone where statue is sitting, autographs are on stone and top-hat

Day eleventh - „Snow”

Minimalistic picture – person in goggles, ushanka hat and thick scarf. We can see nothing besides closest surroundings of eyes, because it's snowing so much. Boi, no one should be out in this kind of weather, except for snow maniacs!
Title is above eyes on goggles, while series, day and autographs are written on scarf

Day twelfth - “Dragon”

You inside, dragon outside, between – wall with windows. What can go wrong? Well, crumbling stairs could make you go down, but shh, dragon is looking and… wait, he want to tear the wall and get you? RUN!
Series, day and title are on the dragon in middle window, autographs are on the dragon too, but in two other windows

Day thirteenth - “Ash”

Hourglass with a human shape between bulbs and prayer above and below sand timer. Inside glass there is black powder, ash. The meaning is “There was ash, which made you, and you will turn back to ash. You are nothing more than ash in the eye of greater being, for whom you are just little minute hourglass”. My general idea was reference to ongoing manga (and anime) Fire Force made by Atsushi Ōkubo. Human shape is reference to „truth” from FullMetal Alchemist and it means „you may be just ash, but you are and you are real” or something
Series and day are above hourglass, title is on the “person's” belly and autographs are on the fire and upper bulb

Day fourteenth - “Overgrown”
There is no grandma that wouldn't feed her grandchildren or pets a little bit too much. Well, this grandma here fed her not just “a little bit” too much, so now they are not just “a little bit” too big
Title, series, day and autographs are on a cat

Day fifteenth - “Legend”

Boi, what happened here! From the seed of truth, by slowly changing form we got to a big tangle of branches, to legend. But, is it all? No. Truth shines brightly, while legends are covered in dark and they are trying to cover even this truth before eyes of people. There is also one more word. Legend itself is shrouded in branches of mystery, of fantasy – what remains uncovered is “Lie”
Title is part of drawing around the center, series and day are above it and autographs are on the seed and under it, over the last branch

Day sixteenth, eighteenth and twenty sixth - “Wild Dark Misfit”

When you grow up, you have to act as normal person – wear suit, work, care about your look, be quiet and peaceful. You need to imitate normal, bright people, while you suppress your past, your worries, pain, anger, sadness, everything. You hide your true, dark self, under the image of quiet person, but you just want let yourself to go wild, destroy, be angry and bad, be the worst of all people, you want to roam free around this world
Titles and days are on both hands and in the middle down of drawing, series is on the upper left and autographs are on a collar and pocket

Day seventeenth - “Ornament”

Ornaments are not only drawings or carvings, but also special little notes in music, which make every piece of music so much better and soooooooo much harder… So yeah, here is just fragment of Chopin's concerto in f-minor with pretty neat ornament
Title and day are on the end of staff (?), series is above notes and autographs are between lines

Day nineteenth - “Sling”

Old, wooden storage, poorly made and now nearly empty, forgotten over time. The only one who sometimes come here is local drunkard, who keep here gin and water, which he often combine into Sling in a small glass. He also have here sling to shot kids who like to tease him and a sling on a hook which is screwed to sling to help him stand straight after a few shots of liquor
Title, day and series are above the drawing, autographs are on the ceiling beam and sling

Day twentieth - “Tread”

It refers to 1.09 and 17.09 year 39' to first month od WWII, when Hitler and Stalin stomped on Poland, they tread polish ground with betrayal and thousands of troops, millions of deaths. It all continued till 45', till the end of war. Well, not that after end Poland was free – Stalin and commies still kinda ruled this land
Title, series and day are above dictators, autographs are on their hats

Day twenty first - “Treasure”

Our treasure, our planet. We may not be much, but we have to protect it. And remember! Our planet won't survive, if we just close the box and go away, it needs fresh air and more open space! So let's protect and care about it!
Title, series and day are on the right side of drawing, autographs are on the box

Day twenty second - “Ghost”

When XVIIth century nobleman's ghost came out from afterlife to see how his ancestor was doing, he wasn't impressed. He was disappointed, even ashamed. He just wanted to disappear, and so he did
Title and day are above drawing, series is on youth's tracksuit, autographs are on his shirt and spirit's hat

Day twenty third - “Ancient”

Gameboy may be old now, but in 6324 years it would be really ancient. Imagine robots and aliens walking in museum to find something “robotic” with games in it, maybe featuring aliens. And of course, they got name wrong – a few thousands years can do pretty weird stuff to language
Series and title are above drawing, day is on the plinth and autographs are on the plinth and aliens “ship”

Day twenty fourth - “Dizzy”
Imagine when you take a look outside your school window and everything is suddenly black, while in front of you stands ten million strong black army of shadow monsters of all kinds. You can see above them all giant, dragon and… orc shaman. In front lines are standing knights, orc warriors, humanoid ants and bears. Center is occupied by four silhouettes – black knight in the back, enormous humanoid ant on the left and… is this some kind of angel? From sheer size and pressure of this army you can sure get dizzy
Title is in the middle, below drawing, series and day are next to it, autographs are on the frames. Whole thing is inspired by “Solo Leveling” chapter 251, “Side Story 8: Your Daily Routine (3)”, fragment with Park Gi-Sool trying to look at Sung Jin-Woo

Day twenty fifth - “Tasty”

Some women have body shape of pear. Pear itself is tasty, but… is pear body tasty as well? Especially when this body is dressed in swimsuit?
Title, series and day are on the swimsuit, autographs are on the leg and head

Day twenty seventh - “Coat”

I heard that “coat” can by synonymous to “hairiness” so… Here you go, coat from coat!
Title is on the face, day and series are above and autographs are on the foot and head

Day twenty eighth - “Ride”

I once saw a man riding on a small bicycle. Well, why not?
Title, series and day are on the cycling outfit, autographs are on the leg and above head

Day twenty ninth - “Injured”

Sometimes word cause more pain than a knife, and parents word can be compared to nuke on child's dreams…
Day, series and title are on the upper left, autographs are above kid's head and parent's hand

Day thirtieth - “Catch”

We could catch many things, and many would lead to other things to catch. We need to catch as many as we could, because that would mean more chances in life
Title, series and day are in the lower right of the picture, autographs are on the hand and between advice text

Day thirtieth first - “Ripe”

I'm already ripe from all this drawing, I reached honorable age of being artist. Now the time is ripe to bid mine farewell with this challenge till next year. HELL'BYE


Ciekawostka - rysunek 24 zajął mi całkiem sporo czasu, bo od rozpoczęcia do zakończenia minęły dwa dni. Samo wykańczanie go w nocy trwało około dwóch godzin. Dla porównania, kolejne 6 dzieł powstawało w średnio 12 minut każde, więc naprawdę się z tym Dizzy postarałem. Tak samo zresztą jak w temacie 15
Pewnie będę teraz sporo rysował, więc życzcie mi powodzenia i przypominajcie, bym wrzucał gdzieś kolejne rysunki! Dawajcie też swoją krytykę, opinie i ogólnie feedback, pragnę atencji i brakuje mi tego zainteresowania!
"Who decides what's impossible?"
Apparently, the voice of people - the picture can be found in the link below ... nknown.png
Ratbor Vit
a.k.a. Ratbor Vit
Były Członek
Awatar użytkownika
Twierdza: Keld'kebmeshgidal (Twierdza Syrenki)
Miejscowość: Warszawa
Posty: 69

Re: Inktober 2019

Postprzez Sh'ehn » 01 Lis 2019, 23:23

Ratbor napisał(a):Pewnie będę teraz sporo rysował, więc życzcie mi powodzenia i przypominajcie, bym wrzucał gdzieś kolejne rysunki! Dawajcie też swoją krytykę, opinie i ogólnie feedback, pragnę atencji i brakuje mi tego zainteresowania!

Obrazki są świetne; a teksty opisów równie dobre. Tyle niesamowitych zwariowanych pomysłów... wnętrze Twojej głowy musi być ciekawe : ) Fajnie wyglądają wkomponowane "tematy"; i w ogóle elementy tekstowe. Pod tym względem szczególnie zgrabnie wyglądają pięciolinie rozjeżdżające się w "ornament". A przy elementach tekstowych zostając - "Legend" mnie po prostu oczarowało... jest śliczne, i skradło moje humankowe serduszko.
Najogólniej jestem pod wrażeniem, i pomysłowości i wykonania. I cóż... troszkę motywujesz, żeby wziąć z Ciebie przykład i regularnie mierzyć się z rysowaniem.
Em... jeśli chodzi o techniczne uwagi i inne takie - jak zawsze, w wolniejszej chwili (pewnie za parę dni), odezwę się w prywatnej wiadomości.
No i oczywiście - pogratulować wytrwałości, i powodzenia w dalszych artystycznych zmaganiach!

Lirway napisał(a):Osobiście też bawię się w Inktober i dodałbym jakieś swoje prace

: ) Byłoby super, Vod`ika, zobaczyć co udało Ci się stworzyć. Jak pisałam wcześniej, z wrzucaniem prac mogę pomóc.
"We`re perfectly harmless, unfortunately." - Doctor Who
Były Członek
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Posty: 904

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