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In English
Hash Q&A #1
Did Satine really believe in peace?
Hash Q&A #2
What is the difference between DW and Mereel’s Mando boys?
Hash Q&A #3
What were the Mandalorians role in the Clone Wars in Legends/EU?
Jango Fett and his status of Mandalorian Warrior… or lack of therefore
Jango Fett - Mandalorian or not, according to the new canon
New Canon and it`s view on Jango Fett as a Mandalorian
About how the New Canon treats EU characters but doesn't want to acknowledge Jango Fett as a Mandalorian in the comics
"Jaster" and how Tor Vizsla used to always call his enemy by first name
Concordia, Mandalore and Kalevala and their respective economy?
Some thoughts about economy of planets in Mandalore system
The Funeral Rites of Taungs and Later Mandalorian Warriors
A study of mandalorian burial rituals through different historical periods.
Satine Kryze & Pre Vizsla: Political and Social position
Similarities and differences between Satine and Pre in context of their political and social status
Satine Kryze & Pre Vizsla: Wealth
Similarities and differences between Satine and Pre based on their clothes
Satine's Allies
People that gained Satine's truth and how they affect her image of the ruler
Satine`s Guards in
The Mandalorian Plot
An analysis of (in)competency of Mandalorian Guardians.
Satine & Pre: paintings seen in their residences
Some thoughts about artworks seen in the Clone Wars series
Satine Kryze and Pre Vizsla: Wealth (living conditions)
Similarities and differences between Satine and Pre based on their living conditions
The Seat of Leader
Thoughts about Pre Vizsla's chair
A Mandalorian Tradition?
Thoughts about one particular item being shown in a few places in Knights of the Old Republic comics series.
A bit about Jaster Mereel
Another bit of thoughts on Jaster.
Mandalorians showing their face
A quick analysis on Mandalorians showing their face.
Some thoughts after watching Season 2 of The Mandalorian
A quick rant on the Season 2 of The Mandalorian.
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